Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It's all Relative

I am wearing more of my "skinny pants" that were tucked away in shame for a while. I got rid of bigger pants as promised. I should be feeling really good, right? Right.

I am wearing smaller pants, yay!!

They are my sister's old fat pants, boooo.

Joy is relative, apparently.

Same Shit Different Year

I just went back and read the beginning of my blog. Ha ha, there are things I forgot I wrote! That "Sound of Music" parody was a good one (good job, 34-year-old me). And I still want a boob job. It was fun to go back, but also made me sad. I have been doing this same darn topic and pattern for THREE YEARS!! That's a bit defeating....

Travel Anxiety

I have never thought of myself as an anxious person. I have begun to rethink that. Aside from the test anxiety, I have discovered that I have travel anxiety. No, I don't freak out about perishing in a firey crash or worry about heights in an airplane. I get anxious about being on time to the airport and about possibly missing my flight.

Unlike the test anxiety, I do not remedy my anticipatory travel anxiety with food. In fact, that particular brand of anxiety causes me to lose my appetite and my autonomic system going such that I need a bathroom handy (TMI, too bad for you fools reading this blog).

I also become compulsively prepared when it comes to travel. I like to be all packed and ready to go the night before, and then just add in toiletries the day of travel. I prefer to fly in the morning, so that I get it out of the way first thing and can relax again once I have reached my destination. I was unable to do this on my way home from Chicago on Sunday because I had to go to a class all darn day. Ack!! My flight was at 5:30, and I began compulsively preparing at noon. The funny part is that I didn't really recognize it as compulsive until my lovely new friend, Michael, pointed it out. It's bad to have other shrinks as friends. Or good. Whatever.

Sunday was terrible. I swear I went to the bathroom like 8 times (again, TMI, too bad for you). And, as an aside, this is another reason I should have lost AT LEAST 2 pounds in the past two weeks! I evacuated the channels thoroughly on Sunday and then have been eating SUPER healthy since then!! That should be 2 pounds! Back to Sunday... I left my bag at the hotel because the shuttle driver who loves me told me to do this so he could get my bag and come to pick me up at the classroom. He grabbed the wrong bag! Ack! So we had to go back to the hotel, but no big deal because we were leaving a bit early because of my neurotic ways. We went back and he got my bag, but was taking a while. I went in to check that he had my bag, which he did, but he was taking a while because there was a gaggle of other people with a luggage cart full of stuff wanting to get to the airport! "AAAAAHHHH! How long is it going to take to load up all of that stuff?! Where do we need to drop these people and is this going to make me late?!" These are quotes from my inner dialogue as I sat in the van with Michael giggling at my anxious state and being so kind as to video the moment. We finally got all the people where they needed to go - many at my concourse. That kind of freaked me out as well because they were all standing there being stupid and not grabbing their bag which impeded my ability to grab mine. I got the luggage and went inside to see the HUGE line at security. More anxious waiting for me with no possibility of a bathroom break. Then I had to haul ass (not really, but my anxiety made me think so) down to my gate, which ended up being in the basement at airport where I finally could relax and wait for my plane.

This, apparently, is genetic. I know this because I explained all of my anxiety to my mother and she said she is exactly the same way when it comes to air travel. She cannot relax until she is at the airport, at her gate and early. She, too, compulsively prepares and it would drive her bonkers to have something interrupt the planned schedule. So there. As with all things psychological for all people, I'll just blame my mother.


I weigh in tomorrow after two weeks of being off the scale and one week being out of town. I weighed this morning as a cheat. The scale said I have lost a half of a pound in two weeks.


I ran a total of seven times in those two weeks. I feel like I ate pretty well while in Chicago. Are my perceptions of that off, somehow? What does it take for me to lose a pound per week? I thought I knew. Apparently not.

Color me surly.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Really Good Writing

I have always enjoyed writing. My mother has stories that I wrote in grade school, and they are fun to read and much longer and more detailed than I see coming from my own children (especially my younger child who wrote a story called, "The Disappearing Ballerina" which went like this: There was a ballerina who danced and danced. Then, one day, she disappeared. The end.). This blog is a way for me to write for fun AND track my health goals.

I used to write for my high school newspaper. I also wrote for my college newspaper with such gripping news as "Hangover Cures: advice from your bartender" and I wrote the horoscopes. Seriously! I wrote the horoscopes! I completely made them up based on the lives of my friends and family who were different astrological signs, so if my sister was having a rotten week, look out all you Tauruses.

I have wanted to write a book, which I start and never finish because my ADHD is so bad. I have started writing about myself, thinking that my children might enjoy it at some point. Again, not finished. I'll get to it some day.

So, I fancy myself a bit of a writer. But, in my typical way, the minute I read something compelling or really well crafted, I want to erase this whole thing as drivel and just stop pretending to be a writer of any sort (perfectionistic, as usual: be great or forget it). I have had that experience in the past day, so I am fighting that and instead may try some new things in terms of topics, etc. I keep threatening to do this because I get bored with writing about fat and food and exercise, and writing about it all the time only feeds my obsessive tendencies. It's a difficult balance - writing to keep me on track with goals and measure progress in the tracking section, and not getting obsessive. Why is it so hard to balance this teeter-totter?

Greek Yogurt

Traditionally, yogurt is something I have not really enjoyed. I have often wondered if this is because I only used to eat it when on a diet and would eat the stuff sweetened with Splenda (which has that nasty aftertaste). I was taught that the texture gets better if you stir the bejesus out of it to get rid of any of that watery stuff on top and any chunky feel. In other words, yogurt has traditionally tasted funny and looks like spoiled milk - not so appealing.

My good friend, Loni, kept talking up "greek yogurt" as a delicious thing, plus higher in protein. I took her raving with some inward eye rolling. She even gave me a spoonful one day and it was not horrible, so I decided to try it. Much to my surprise the rest of the US seems to be on a Greek Yogurt kick, probably because carbs are evil and protein is good. Such is the diet fad of this generation. Anyway, I got the Dannon brand and it was disappointing. I got some sort of organic brand and it was better, especially the honey kind mixed with blueberries. Tolerable.

While in Chicago, I went to the grocery store and got some provisions for breakfasts to reduce my expenses in eating out daily. I bought cherries, blueberries, a bag of chips (oops, how'd that get in my cart?), oatmeal, granola bars, diet coke, and three cups of Greek yogurt. I got two different brands, Fage and then another I cannot remember. I liked both of them! Really good with the blueberries. I am now motivated to go home and find good brands of Greek yogurt. It's tasty. Try it. And don't roll your eyes at me.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Oh, and chocolate covered balls of chocolate chip cookie dough are fantastic. Don't ask why I know that.

I had another thought that I was going to share here in the random "by the way" posting, but now I forgot.

Test Anxiety

Today I am in class and it is very stressful because it is all about preparing for a very big couple of tests I need to take in the near future. In this class we are taking little quizzes as we go.

My friends, I have had a eureka moment. I already know that I am a stress-induced overeater. I have discovered something even more specific in my diagnostic formulation of my affinity for junk food. I have test anxiety! And this is because I hate, hate, hate, HATE feeling like I don't know the answers and am then dumb. I cannot seem to find any other way (or have not looked hard enough for one) to soothe myself through those moments, and so make them tolerable by the consumption of delicious things. This morning in class I was glad to only have fresh cherries available. I bought chocolate for this afternoon. damn it.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Out to Eat

Recall, sports fans, that I am currently in Chicago at a training for the week. I got here on Sunday evening and leave this coming Sunday. Luckily, there was a grocery store nearby and I went and got some granola bars for breakfast as well as yogurt and berries. I have run three times and will go at least once more if not twice. I'm feeling pretty good about this so far. I'm awfully nervous about weigh in when I get back.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Slippin and a Slidin

wooo, it's a slippery downhill slope, my friends! Mother Nature is f-in with my body and appetite and I cannot seem to find the "stop" button or even the "moderation" button! I ran three times this week instead of five, though I did walk a couple of times. There have been more concessions made in the way of food than I can count. So, I am scrambling at the bramble branches on the edges of this slippery slope and trying to hoist myself back up the damn proverbial hill.

I am going to Chicago tomorrow for the whole week. I have packed four exercise outfits. I packed my swim suit. I vow to come home with all of them used. I am also going to work on healthy eating while I am gone. I think I can I think I can.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Deserve a Break Today

I am experiencing my usual hormonal fluctuations that occur about this time of the month, and I am crabby and HUNGRY! Today I decided not to fight any urge at all and just had a rather pleasant day of eating a bunch of delicious crap and not worrying about it one little bit. Well, maybe ONE little bit, but that was all. No obsessing, no fretting and no compensatory exercise. I enjoyed a donut, some ice cream bars (mini doves.. mmm), frosted animal crackers, a scone with a vanilla latte for breakfast AND I ate McDonald's for dinner. Wooo! That was some fun! I'm now off to scour the internet for why the hell my hormones prompt irritability and hunger and if there is some sort of pill I can take for that...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Slow and Steady

Ok, well, I weighed in and lost another pound. I am sitting here in my smaller sized jeans, which are pretty damn tight. But I can wear them, and I think they were tight to begin with - or at least that is what I am telling myself. I am working hard to be pleased with one more pound because now I am up over the 10 pound mark. That's good, right?! I would be thrilled with 8 more pounds, landing me at a solid size 8 clothes or thereabouts.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Back to The Grind

Well, vacation is over. I am back to my regularly scheduled life, and I am kind of relieved. This is a busy week, however. I finished my last test in my regular coursework for this dumb master's degree. That did not happen without two cookies to soothe my nerves. Stupid coping skill. But, it was the last one! yay! Until I have to take the comprehensive exams - boo. I'll probably have to eat a whole pie to get through those.

My kids start school on Wednesday and I will have to go to work early that day so photos are not going to be so great, I suspect. Oh well. We are hosting a going-away card party on Friday night, so there will be great food at that thing for me to work on eating in some sort of moderation. Saturday will be spent packing for a trip to Chicago and getting my family ready for me being gone. This means I will work on meal planning, clothing planning for the girls, schedule arranging and such. Then I leave on Sunday for a week of eating out and more stress.

In good news, I swam yesterday and am thinking this could be another "healthy activity" in my new lifestyle I am crafting. It's hard work, but I enjoyed it. I went for a brisk walk this evening and will run again tomorrow. Weigh in is Wednesday, and if I lose even half a pound, I will have hit the 10 pound mark. 6.3 more pounds from now and I will have lost 10 percent of my original weight. Gotta stick with this! I also now have shorts that need to go in the "get rid of it" pile of things that are too big. yay!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I Made It, Sort Of

Well, I can say that I have completed a 5K race. Notice I did not say that I RAN a 5K. Damn it. I walked! Twice! In my defense, it was getting demoralizing watching people around me walk and still be ahead of me. This one guy in his 50's would walk and when I would get up close to him or pass him then he would run and get out ahead and then walk again. GRRR!!! I really wanted to beat that guy, but I just couldn't. The course was really hilly. I mean REALLY hilly. Oof! I have not run hills like that since, um, maybe ever. It was just a series of hills, the whole way. Nary a flat spot to be found. Bleh. So, I walked twice at the mercy of these hills. And it was HOT! Sun was beating down on me, sweat stinging my eyes... can you picture the torturous scene? I finished in 34 minutes with an 11+ minute mile pace. The guy who won the whole thing finished in 17 minutes - half the time!! Double bleh. I did not get a medal for my age group. I got a Popsicle, an orange slice, a Frootsy Roll, a bottle of water and a sandwich cookie. And the satisfaction, or disappointment of saying that I finished my first 5K.

I will say that this has motivated me to do another one and beat my time in the next event. Storm Lake is pretty flat, so I am gunning for that one and I am going to keep training in the cemetery full of hills. Maybe I'll even run tomorrow - there is a nice place that is flat along the river and is about three miles if you run to one end and back.

On a positive vacation note - I have been eating salads because that is what my brother-in-law has at his house to eat: veggies from the garden! Today I am going to eat festival food and pizza. We'll see how that goes.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I weighed in and miraculously lost another pound! I am so relieved. I had the fried food and chocolate incident AND I ate breakfast before weighing, something I never do. I ran on Wednesday morning in my new gear including the swishy Daisy Dukes. I was wedgie free and did not have to get out the Desitin to cure chaffing. Hooray! I also ran further than even the last time I ran in storm lake. Remember the bug incident? Yeah, further than that time. I ran this morning as well. Go me! The race is only two days away. Is it weird to be excited?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Oh! I meant to mention that I bought myself some new running duds today. This means I will continue to run, right? I bought a pair of shorts - tight kind that hits just above the knee, and a couple of tops at Target. Then I went to Scheels and tried on other tops and the salesgirl had me try on real running shorts. She was a tiny thing of all of 22 years (guessing) and pointed me towards these swooshy-materialed shorts. They are much shorter than I would ever wear, normally. But they are so light weight and I am so hot when running these days! The other thing about these shorts is that there is a pair of underwear built right into them. I'm not kidding! After a lot of hesitancy, I bought them. They make me very nervous.... underwear built in? really short length? I have worry thoughts of wedgies and chaffing. I'll let you know what I think after I try them out on the road.


Well, I would say that I have been semi-successful on vacation in terms of lifestyle changes. I allowed a bit of fried food (appetizers) but followed with broiled fish for dinner. I allowed some chocolate, but then had grilled chicken with veggies for a meal later. I had a strawberry margarita - and it was damn yummy! I have done some swimming, some walking, but no real purpose-drive exercise since Sunday morning. I will run tomorrow morning. I'm supposed to weigh in tomorrow morning. We'll see if I make it in to work to do so. I'm kinda scared....

Friday, August 6, 2010


My sister Sahm has been tearing up the terrain lately with her running. I have been feeling good about my accomplishments until she pops up with, "Hey, I ran ten miles today!" Good for you. No, really, good for her - it IS good for her and I would be super proud and wearing a tee shirt that read, "Can you believe I ran 10 miles today?" if it were actually me who had run that far. It's just that it makes my three mile runs seem like a warm up when they are really hard for me, thus making me feel like a jackass wimp.

She works out five days per week, and hour or more at a time, and sometimes goes for extra walks, 20 mile bike rides or lifts weights on top of all of that. That's some serious dedication to exercise. And she will admit that she gets kind of panicky and paranoid if she has to miss a workout or if she eats something fattening. It makes me shake my head at that skinny girl.

EXCEPT that now I am starting to get like that to a degree. We went out for dinner this evening and I ordered the grilled chicken entree with steamed veggies as the side and got a small side salad on my trip through the salad bar (no thank you, noodle salad and cherry fluff: add those to my medal collection). Very healthy! Yay me! Go healthy lifestyle! The entree arrived and was a chicken breast topped with tomato slices, bacon and provolone with chipotle sauce on it. I was prepared for the tomato (healthy), bacon and cheese (one slice each - I can handle that), but not the sauce automatically on the chicken. I thought that would be on the side. I had a moment of panic! I can't get that stuff off of there! What kind of calories am I ingesting? Is this one of those times where I thought I ordered a healthy meal and instead I ordered a gluttonous dish masquerading as a healthy thing?! Crap!! I ate half of it as-is, and the sauce had quite a little kick to it. I stopped and stared at the second half - still hungry but not trusting that dish. I took the toppings off and ate the chicken with as little sauce on it as possible.

Looking back, perhaps I have lost it a little bit and need to learn to live a little in this new lifestyle? That's just it, though. I don't know! I'm still learning the ropes here, and do not trust my own judgment when it comes to these things. I went for a walk and felt a little bit better.

See? Paranoid. I'll shake my head at myself now.

Vacation Looming

It's vacation time! yay!! I love vacation - mostly because it means I am not working. We do not have much planned for vacation this year, which is fine by me. Usually vacation is a food-fest. So, I am going to work on that "lifestyle change" thing I'm going for by having it be an activity fest or a relaxation fest or an anything-but-food fest.

One week until the 5K, and I'm pretty sure the terrain is hilly. Damn. Oh well, too late to back out now. I'm going to run some hills tomorrow - the measly ones I can find around here.

I may also go and do some shopping on my vacation. I am wearing a belt with some pants and that means it is nearly time to get rid of them in favor of smaller clothing. Hooray!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I Like Mine Better

I went for a run this morning and did not have a lot of energy despite it being absolutely PERFECT weather - cool and clear and low humidity. I went at least 2.5 miles today but did not do the 3 mile route.

I got home and decided to weigh myself on my scale at home because I haven't done that in a while. Besides, I like torture. And.... I like my scale much better than the one at work. Then again, perhaps if I weighed at work in the nude, right after I ran in the morning I would weigh the same. My scale said 146.4. Still not the number that I want to see, but below the 150s. Still gunning for any scale to say anywhere near that number "130-something"...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Well, ok...

This week's weigh-in says I lost three pounds. I should be really happy about that, right? Well, I'm not. I really wanted it to be 3.5 or 4 to make up for last week's nothing. Besides, if I had lost 3.5 to 4, I would be back in the 140s, and now I have to still be in the 150s - gross. I really want the scale to say 130s kind of numbers, and that seems so darn far away and unattainable at this rate.

There is a major psychological difference between the 140s and the 150s and it has to do with the fact that I work in a medical office. We have medical scales aplenty here, and they are that scary kind where you slide the weights back and forth... you know what I'm saying. Anyway, there are top sliders and bottom sliders, and the bottom one goes from 50, to 100 to 150 to 200... and I want that thing on 100, NOT 150!!!

I will not give up. I will keep on running. I will keep saying "no" to dessert and yes to vegetables. I will look at adding some weights for toning in my arms and do my pushups and planks at night. I will see the 140s next week, by hook or by crook!!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Medal 2... Anticipation

I present myself with yet another medal or two in the face of delicious desserts. Last night I passed on cake by Tina Marie, and this is wedding cake kind of stuff which is more moist and fabulous than I can describe. The night before that I passed on DQ ice cream cake.

I have been running/jogging - ran 3 miles yesterday and did one mile today but in intervals with sprints thrown in there for a change of training. I even bought a running magazine with training tips, so apparently I am getting serious about this. I signed up for the 5K in a week and a half.

Tomorrow is weigh-in. Everyone cross your fingers.... you'll hear the scream if the result is zero again.