Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Return of the Numbers

I stepped on the scale again today, just as a benchmark. I found five of those pounds I had lost! I think they were in those Christmas cookies, right where I had left them. They might have also been in the breakroom with the donuts, or perhaps in the drive through at McDonalds. I suspect they were actually left scattered in all of those places, and settled comfortably in their homelands of my abdomen and thighs.

Well, I mean to let those five pounds know that they are not welcome here any more and perhaps they can take a few of their friends (maybe 5 more?) with them on their way out the door. They are just visiting, thank you very much.

I feel very good that I am not stressing about these visitors. I know I welcomed them in during the party, and now the party is over. They are kind of like my Christmas decorations at home. They were fun to get out and have around for a while, but they are not a permanent part of the decor. Anybody sick of this analogy yet? Ok, I'm done.

Day 2 of Jillian M - ouch. Tomorrow is stretch coach day 1 and I THINK I have a plan.

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