Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 - Motivation-a-plenty

Happy New Year, everyone! I took from Halloween through New Year's Day OFF from pretty much everything healthy. Well, maybe it was more like Thanksgiving. I think I was still doing some scant healthy things in early November. It's been so long I can hardly remember. Anyway, I went on a vacation and watched myself morph back into my old habits of never working out except when drug to the gym by my sister and eating whatever tickled my fancy (this involved a lot of cookies, as you might imagine).

It was kind of a fun way to wrap up 2010, the year of yo-yo weight. However, I noticed that I was more prone to irritability, isolation, and low energy. I don't know if this has anything to do with my eating and exercise habits, but I presume it does given that every health magazine practically screams at you about the correlation between exercise, diet and mood/energy. So if I was crabby, didn't feel like doing anything fun and felt like a slug, where was the "fun"? Eating cookies is fun.

Well, it's 2011 and there are many events already lined up for this year. These are all events that motivate me to look my best and therefore require good eating habits and exercise.

First up, I have a dinner planned with friends I have not seen since I sang in their wedding more than 10 years ago. When in their wedding, i would say I was at one of my heavier weights, so it would be fun to show up looking good. This is at the end of this month. Next, I am in a community theater show, playing someone in their early 20s!! Hello, self explanatory (and yes, I have my hair color appointment set up right before the show). That's in February. I don't think I have a darn thing planned in March except for going to many dance competitions. BUT, the first scheduled 5K event is in April! I'm going to do those again.

The grand poo-bah of events will be this summer. My 20-year high school reunion is set for July 4th weekend, and this is also the year I will kick butt in the Ride/Run and Emily will be happy to have me as her partner. I want to wear something fun and fantastic to the reunion and just feel really good about myself. AND, my 15 year wedding anniversary is this summer, and I want to be able to zip that wedding gown again.

So, with all this motivation, I have returned to to track my daily calorie intake and exercise. cheers! here's to 2011!


The Lada Family said...

wow! I'm motivated and I don't have any of that fun stuff planned. Zipping the wedding dress goal went out the window for me a long time ago.... I actually sold it so I wouldn't be tempted to try it on and fail over and over. :-)
I just put new batteries in my scale and hopped on to see the damage. WOW! It was painful! (batteries have been dead for at least 3 months)
Good luck to ya!

Mia said...

See, you just needed to be heavier when you got married - keeps the bar set lower. I zipped it up on my 10-year anniversary. Good think I was never attracted to the mermaid style or that never would have happened. There is no way post-kid hips fit into a pre-kids mermaid dress unless you are Brooke Burke.