Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Help I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up

I need a Diet Life Alert! Doughnuts and cookies and chocolate, oh my! Hellooo hormones and a total lack of willpower. I could have signed up for Biggest Loser at work again, and I was soooo close. But I thought, 'You know, I'm just about the same weight that I was when I finished the program last time, and with all of my outside motivation, I don't need the torture of weekly weigh-ins.' Well, hind sight being 20/20 and all, I am not kicking my self. Well, actually I'm just having regrets which likely has more to do with the doughnut I ate than the weigh-ins. You'd think I could trust myself to maintain without so much structure. Sigh. Back to online food journaling again.

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