Monday, February 18, 2008

Olivia Newton John

When I was a kid I took gymnastics. I was not that good at it, but after several years could do some fun tricks. We always had a recital at the end of the year made up of some dancing moves with gymnastics (floor) thrown in there too. One year, when the song was popular, my class got to do our routine to "Let's Get Physical" by O.N. John. Remember that song with the video and ONJ in her spandex and headband across her forehead? Ha ha ha!!
Well, I don't do gymnastics anymore, but sometimes I wish that I did. My body remembers how to do the tricks, but my brain overrides most attempts, noting 'Um, you are not that strong nor flexible any more.' That's how it goes with exercise: do it or lose the ability and start all over. This is why I hate exercise, because I am constantly "starting over" at square 1 (which, by the way, is labeled "pain and misery square"). Once, 10 pounds ago and two summers ago, I had been in good shape, exercising regularly and did NOT hate it. So, I know it can be done, and I am trying to do it again. I am getting up at 6 a.m. (gross) and getting on my treadmill to walk and jog for 20-30 minutes. I did this on Thursday, Friday and today and will continue, with a goal of four times per week. And turbokick starts again this week in the evenings, and I will go twice per week. If this does not move the darn number in my tracking section DOWN then I do not know what will. So, ONJ, I'm working on it, I'm working on it.


R G Swans said...

That Olivia Newton John song sure sounds like the first entry in your Soundtrack....=)
Any old tapes of this routine, I am sure it would hilarious to watch. No offense...

Mia said...

It would be cute! I was maybe 9 or 10 years old and hella flexible.