Friday, February 15, 2008

Mark Your Calendars!

Ok, for the past two days I have felt cute. Try not to drop your laptops or spill your drink on your keyboard in surprise. Believe me, nobody is mor surprised than me. It started yesterday because I tried on a skirt that did not fit a month or so ago, and it fit, and I had new funky shoes to go with it, ergo the cute feeling. Thank goodness for control-top pantyhose! Also, I tried on a skirt that I just purchased and it is a little loosey-goosey with my pantyhose on, so I might go and see if the next size SMALLER fits. Now, this may turn ugly on us folks - I may go and try it on to discover that it pinches rolls of fat into, well, visible rolls of fat and then be right back to the same self-depreciating Eeyore of weight loss that you have all come to know and tolerate. OR (dare I hope? dare I wish?) I will ride the natural high of having the smaller size fit and even make my butt look cute. Ok, let's not hope for magic from one skirt.
You see, this all started with a weekend adventure with my sister, where I got hair and makeup done, transforming me from frizzy-pouffy haired dead person into curly-haired woman with good eye makeup. Then we tried on clothes after drinking martinis. Martini goggles are good for my self-esteem, apparently, because I did not look like a toad nor lump in the clothes I tried on. Granted, there were items that were less than flattering and I grumbled some about my girth and envied a couple of women's flat stomachs and Sahm's shapely legs, but all in all a good time yeilding several purchases and ending up on a dance floor. Nigh onto the perfect evening, I think. So, I'll keep riding the high, compounded by the need for trying on a smaller skirt and ask for you all to cross your fingers, get out your horseshoes, send me your positive mojo, and say a small prayer that the smaller one fits or that I will keep my sanity if it does not.

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