Thursday, February 28, 2008

Blah Blah Blah, Mid 30's Crisis

I have a case of the blahs. After a very good week last week, I went out of town for the weekend, ate fairly crappy and have not had a great week. I have not worked out at all, have not counted points, and am feeling blah. You would think I would get the connection: work out and eat well - feel good, be a couch potato and eat junk - feel like junk. But I can already tell that I do not want to go and work out tonight. What the heck is that about? Can someone explain that to me, please? Seriously, now. Is there a pill I can take for that? Usually one week of healthy habits and I am on track and ready to continue cuz I feel good. Am I getting too close to age 35? Is my metablolism and motivation being sucked into the abis called "aging"? I mean, I even tried on some clothing and looked at swimming suits, and this is usually enough to get my resolve going. This time it just continued the crap feeling. Cripes, people, I have a trip planned in April and a gathering with "the band" to perform in late July, not to mention the ever-looming swimsuit season that is inching foward (though who can tell with all of the snow we've been having around here)!!! Help! If any of you has found my mind and motivation, I'd appreciate it if you would mail, email or fax it back to me.

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