Friday, February 8, 2008

Addict in Crack Alley

Food sucks. I love food. I have been reasonable, restrained, and keeping within my measly points limit. But this weekend, there will be an event and there will be "heavy appetizers" (why don't they just call them "butt enlargers" or "gut growers"?) and martinis - Cosmos and cream-based martinis. Oh my. (Cheeses and dips and martinis - oh my! - it's like Wizzard of Oz only the Wizzard is a plastic surgeon and the yellow brick road is full of Culvers and doughnut shops and the Witch is Laura Dean.) And it's another candy holiday approaching us - Valentine's Day. I'm trying to avoid that aisle in the store these days, or else I'm like a crack whore in Crack Alley, drooling and shaking trying to remember to buy apples and not spend my money on Dove hearts. Lord, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to back away from the chocolate, and the wisdom to get on the treadmill. It works if you work it and you want it bad enough!!! sigh.

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