Sunday, July 11, 2010

Shattered Delusion

I have been working hard at this lifestyle change business. Like most people, I am impatient. I would like there to be a pill I take that makes me not have to struggle to make healthy choices. I would like for cookies to taste too sweet, or cake to give me terrible gas so I avoid it without much thought. I would like to NOT wish I had a Kit Kat bar when I see a jar of peanut butter. I say "like most people" because I know I am one of a big crowd in this wish. That's why people can make money being traveling hypnotists, selling "The Hollywood Cookie Diet" or some other juice or shake or pill thing that makes quick-fix promises. If any of that worked, nobody would be obese. Nope, instead I have to just make a pledge for today or for this moment that I am going to make healthy choices.

Vegetables. I have friends who eat a lot of vegetables and they seem to maintain a healthy frame. I do not know what my deal is with vegetables. I used to dislike most of them. As a kid I don't think I ate much outside of a green bean or corn. Now, I enjoy lettuce, spinach cauliflower, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, beans of all natures, peas, squash, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, etc. etc. Now, with that big variety of choosings, you would think it would be ok for me to fit some of those in at least twice per day. But I do not, as a rule. Vegetables have a tendency to get rotten in my fridge. I keep buying them, too. So, this is one of the changes I have in mind for this lifestyle makeover - "eat your veggies." I have no delusion going that someday I'll prefer vegetables over carbs, but still...

So, I have let go of my delusion that a healthy body will just naturally be mine, that I can eat what I want and not gain weight (still resentful about that one), and that there is a quick and easy way to make the needed changes here. Also, I ran again today and have let go of the crazy thought that I will be ready for a half marathon in September. Maybe a 5K, but not a half marathon. Turns out I was right in suspecting myself crazy on that one.

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