Friday, July 9, 2010

Biggest Loser

I joined the "Biggest Loser" contest at work. There is money on the line, here. Obviously I am grasping at straws. I did get up and run again, and plan to continue that. I also put a cap on the feed bag.

Everyone else in my family seems to have adopted this thing they call "lifestyle change" where they watch what they eat and make exercise a regular part of their life, not just a weight-loss effort. Hmmm. The exercise part seems pretty key, too. So, I guess I will have to get on that train and stay on it. This roller coaster ride is getting old.

There are people in the world who can eat whatever they want and not seem to gain a pound (freaks of nature). After months of trying, I have concluded that I am not one of them. I was hoping to join that club but they won't let me past the doors with this butt. Damn it.

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