Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Big Money No Whammies

Tomorrow is weigh-in day. I certainly have upped the exercise factor. I went on a bike ride this evening, thinking this would be leisurely but count as motion. Um, not so leisurely. I think my legs may be sore tomorrow, which will suck when I go running. I have been running further and feeling good about it until my sister mentions that she ran 8 miles today. Be-otch. I have been making good choices, well except for the DQ Blizzard on Saturday, but that damn Lampe bought it for me and it would be rude to let it melt by the pool in the 98 degree heat. I did swim for at least three hours that day. Otherwise it has been fish and chicken, veggies and all sorts of health foods. Lets all cross our fingers and hope this pays off on the scales tomorrow or i am gonna be pissed off.

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