Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Zumba Snob

I took the new class last night and I had a really good time. I was thoroughly sweaty, so that is a good sign that I either got my heart rate up sufficiently or else the room was really hot due to the huge crowd of people. Anyway, it was latin dance moves! That's fun, right? Well, it would be, except that I am a Zumba Snob. The instructor is not that musical, as it turns out, and things that I hear in terms of 8-counts and natural progressions do not make that much sense to her. This drives me bonkers. Changing leads in the midst of a count, and having things be uneven on right and left sides, and then not following a regular pattern.... aiy carumba. Aren't I terrible and picky? I mean, I had fun and sweated a lot, so that should be good enough. Nope. Give me a rhythm and some coreography I can follow. And the real bummer is that I think I could LOVE that class if it were more like I think it SHOULD be (judgemental much?). Shoot.


GrammaJ said...

I've had that happen before too and it's insane to try and follow. Sounds like you might need to check into joining those siblings and becoming a Zumba instructor.

SarahDee said...

That's what I was thinking, J!

Mia said...

Yeah, the old, "Well, if you don't like it, then YOU teach it" thing. I checked into the training and can't find one anywhere close, except for "Zumba Silver" in Minneapolis. But, you can order Zumba DVDs to just enjoy the workout on your own at home. Perhaps I'll just buy the Dancing With the Stars workout DVD instead.