Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Snooty McSnoberson

Apparently, early mornings make me poetic. But, hey, I did it!! I got up and went to the gym at 5:30! This was quite a feat, because the cosmos was trying to align against me. I was going to go to bed early, but that was foiled by bills and needing to get my kid's birthday party invitations written and ready to send today. Then this kid got up three times in the middle of the night when she NEVER wakes up. What the?! Whatever, cosmos!!! I got up anyway, and am glad I did it. I may do it again tomorrow. The craziness continues!!

I went to a cardio class that was sort of intervals of cardio and toning. I got a good workout and was very sweaty, so that's good. The upper body part was punching, and since I have been doing Tae Bo and Turbokick, I feel like I know my stuff when it comes to punching form. Well, my snootyness reared its ugly head again when the instructor was leading upper cut punches and cueing it with "Scoop that on up!" Ahhhh!!!!! She was flopping her arm way back and then scooping her arm way up by her nose! My inner punching-form-nazi had a hard time not exclaiming out loud. So, I just punched the way I know to punch and kept on going. Also, they do punches in succession (like a jab, cross, hook, upper kind of combo) and I was having a hard time because I am so Turbo-trained that I can't stop rotating at the hip and turning on the ball of my foot, so my form looks WAY different than what everyone else is doing. I plan to keep going to class, so I'll just be a back row hider. I must be the most obnoxious class participant ever. Geez, lady, get over yourself already!

1 comment:

SarahDee said...

Wow. I'm impressed. The cosmos lined up against me and I caved. But not you! Well done!
"scoop it on up" would have driven me nuts too. YOu just keep on punching "up out and AWAY from your face" like you're supposed to and don't worry about everyone else.