Thursday, September 30, 2010

Now What?

Well, the Biggest Loser thing at work is done. I weighed in at 145, down .5 pound in the last week of the game. I was a little bummed cuz I was hoping for 143.5 so I could say I had lost 10 percent. Oh well. So, that little adventure seemed to work pretty well for me - what with the weigh ins and all. So, now what....?? Since it ended I have eaten dessert two days in a row. That's no good. In my defense, it is hormone-a-palooza up in this joint, so I'm craving that junk like crazy. But when I was weighing in I did not give in to the cravings so much.

I am doing an online food journal and I have some accountability there, so that's good. I'm going to have to go back to my little weigh ins here as my motivation. I'm going to try to find someone to give my report so that I have that in the back of my mind. I wonder when I'll just do this without someone needing to hawk over me.

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