Sunday, September 19, 2010

I Did It!!!

I did it! I ran five miles!! I was planning to run four today and then five next weekend because there are two more weeks in the Biggest Loser thing and five miles was a goal I set for that. So, I went out and did my one mile to the YMCA loop, then ran the loop (that's another mile) and then I usually run home (there's three). But, instead of running home, I did another loop and then if I ran home that would be my four miles. Yay! Well, I got done with that second loop and started my internal dialogue....

"Hey self," I says, "Self, you are not dying. If you just did one more loop and then went home, you'd have FIVE miles! Five! You could do it! Just skip the four and go right to the five. How cool would that feel? Just do it. Keep going. Go around that loop again. No walking at the end just cuz you made four, either. Just keep running until you get home." (end scene)

And so, I did. Ta dah!!! I'm really proud of me. I know there are lots cooler goals and feats, like my friends who finished an Iron Man Triathlon (say what?!), but it's still a good day to be me. And on top of that, I took my older child shopping, so spend three hours walking around the mall. I'll take that, and the new pair of heels I bought myself. My five-mile medal.

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