Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My Newest Excuse! Thanks, Paul Harvey!

Paul Harvey read a story yesterday on his little program that noted that women are less able to control their appetites than men. Don't believe me? I have included the link to the story...


So I say, "AH HA!" I fly the "no fair" flag high in the air and do a march around it with my bugle. I knew it! I'm programmed to be a ravenous hog! It's harder for me to deny that brownie than it is my spouse or brother or brother-in-laws. Add this to the fact that it is harder for me to lose weight than it is for a man, and well, I think we can all see the inequities here. What is even more off-puting is that the pressure for thinness is squarely aimed more at women. Join me in my "no fair" parade, will you? And we'll all hold signs that read: WTF?!

1 comment:

R G Swans said...

I will join you in that parade and carry the neon banner. or maybe I should be the drum majorette for the band. I always wanted to do that.

no fair...no fair...i hate tight underwear....