Sunday, February 15, 2009

Make Lemonaide?

Life handed me a big ole lemon this weekend in the form of the stomach flu. Oof, that is as sick as I have been in a long time. Gross. And the worst of it was not the stomach-related nastiness, but the fever, shakes and aches. Wow. And this was in the middle of a weekend where my brother was home from Colorado, and my sister and her kids were visiting. Plus they all went to the gym and that was going to be my workout this week. Shoot.

But, if life hands you lemons...

Lemonaide = I bet I didn't gain any weight this weekend.


SarahDee said...

That is definitely a good way to look at it. I'm betting I gained about 2 lbs even though I worked out on Sat! Plus,we had Villager for dinner tonight, complete w/ hot fudge sundae for dessert. it was gooood. And I'm using the worst excuse ever for not working out today....i just don't feel like it.
Ah well. GREAT weekend (minus the you being sick part).

Em said...

I agree. It was a weekend of food debauchery and I'm sure I added 2 lbs to my girth as well. But, I went into the weekend with my eyes open, fully prepared to pig out and do it right. Mission accomplished. Grade - A+