Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Breakroom Perils

Breakrooms are hazardous to your health. They are supposed to be healthy restful places to rejuvenate oneself at work. They tend to be places where junk food is offered up a-plenty. This week, there was a buffet of goodies in there to celebrate someone's birthday, so I stuck to the cauliflower and dip, but fell prey to the GIANT sheet cake with whipped frosting (love that stuff). Then on other days there are ice cream buckets filled with snack mixes of different sorts. One had chocolate animal crackers, chocolate drizzled mini rice cakes and other stuff. There are also just bags of chips hanging out for the taking. Today I tasted one Pringles Dill Pickle flavor and it was goooood. Stupid break room.

On a happy note, Spring seems to have finally arrived and I got outside yesterday and ran around the park (literally) with my kids. It also means that, theoretically, I could be getting up and taking my dog outside for a run/walk. She and I would both benefit, but I still fight the magnets in my mattress and the ones attached to my butt that keep me in bed in the morning.

With Spring, comes looming Summer and swimsuit season. Crap crap crap. I work indoors, so am always white as a sheet, and then put on my suit on a weekend and there I am: the white blob in a suit next to my tanned siblings who make it outside more than once per week. Sigh. Maybe I'll cave and buy one of those suits with a skirt in true "Mom" fashion. Or not. I still have my pride and sensibility if not my former will power and dedication to exercise.


MichiganMama said...

Oh my friend...I have been wearing the sexy skirt suit for the past several years!! Partly due to too much baggage but also because I do not feel that anyone should see that far up my leg at this point in my life!!! The key is the pattern! If you get a young pattern or sexy black one it works, also don't do a flouncy skirt ya gotta get a straight one, like a tennis skirt!! haha

Mia said...

Yeah, I have a friend who is a bombshell (never had kids - bitch!) who says that her suit has a skirt, but it is one of those brazillian-backed (read: skimpy butt) things with the flouncy little skirt.

I don't know if I can do the tennis skirt - I might as well draw arrows to my knee fat. But maybe I will try one this year. I'm still mourning my bikini, sitting in my drawer from two summers ago.