Thursday, May 8, 2008

Parts is Parts

I went out in Norfolk last weekend (more to follow on that experience in a separate blog posting). Norfolk, Nebraska, to be exact. And I got friendly with my favorite Rum Captain and had some very open conversation with friends of mixed gender. Wait, the friends weren't cross dressers, one was a dude and the other two were women. You all have the scene correctly pictured now? Good, I'll move on.

So, we came upon the topic of acceptable conversational reference to genetalia. My friend, Lin, said she had gone and gotten a mammogram and the technician said something to the effect of: "Wow, you have really dense breasts." And Lin retorts: "Yeah, well the twat isn't too smart, either." Ok, that is freakin funny. ha ha ha!! But when she retold that story to a friend, they stated that the term "twat" is a bit harsh and not, perhaps, kosher. So she asked us what we thought. I personally am not offended by the term "twat" and neither were the other two adults at the table, but my sister thinks it is objectionable. So, feel free to fire away with your comments on that one. We all agreed that there are perhaps better terms, including vagina, va-jay-jay, bid-ness, junk, lady parts. But I am not a fan of the cat referrence ("p") and we all were firm that the "c" word should never even be whispered or written, let alone spoken.

This, of course, led to a discussion of men's parts, with one friend noting that every man has, at one point in time, given their part a name. (I use a lot of commas. Just noticed that.) What?! All men have named their penis?!! I don't think so. I happen to be married to a bonafide man, and I am unaware of any name for that body part, though it does get referred to in the third person (e.g. "Somebody woke up and wants to see what's going on." Sleeping, that's what's going on.). And I asked him, and he confirmed that NO, his penis remains unnamed. So is he the only one? Can't be. But my friend seems to believe that all men name that item and that MOST couples name it together and that this is a fun thing for couples.

So here are the topics: Is "twat" offensive as reference to the vagina? Is the naming of penises a common practice and I had better quick give my spouse's a name? Talk amongst yourselves.


Em said...

I hate the "P" word in reference to my bidness or anything else. Even during the height of good sex I still get a little embarassed when that word gets dropped (and yet "vagina" is too technical at such a time, I giggle now just thinking of ways to use that during mattress surfing). I will pull out the "c" word if I'm feeling particularly nasty (bet that was tmi) or in reference to some ho when I'm really pissed off (like when I'm driving by myself - I let all the bad words fly). I do think that the "c" word is similar to the "n" word in that it can only be used by women in reference to each other, when used by a man it is extremely offensive (like the "n" word used by white people).

Mia said...

Yes, TMI... you are one nasty ho-bag! ha ha ha!!!