Saturday, June 28, 2008

Nightmare on My Street

There has been a plague of nightmares at my house lately. My older daughter woke up two nights ago and thought she saw a man floating above her bed. CREEPY!! Then my younger daughter woke up about five minutes later believing that there were bugs crawling on her. This is the second time she has had the "bug" thing, where I have to explain that there are lots of little flowers all over her sheets and they are not bugs. I changed her sheets after that. So, I have not been sleeping so well, being the dream police around here - the one who soothes the children and sits next to them until they fall asleep. Oh, me so tired.

Now, I do not usually remember my own dreams. But I had one last night that is clear as day in my memory. I was proud of myself for all of the running I have been doing, so I stepped on the scale. It said I weighed 185 pounds!!! ACK!!! What?! And my sisters were there, and reassuring me that the scale was broken, so got another one, which one sister stepped on and it said she weighed 96 pounds, which we all thought was broken in the other direction, so I stepped on it and it said I weighed 185 pounds. So, they both said, "Well, I guess that's what you weigh then." Then I woke up. That was one f-ed up dream, I tell you.

In other news: I successfully completed my practice of half of the ride run - running two miles, biking two, then running two more. I am not stepping on the scale.


The Lada Family said...
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The Lada Family said...

I rarely dream but the other night I had one that I can remember. I had tiny bugs in all of the pores on my legs. Joey kept telling me to pour vinegar on them and when I did thousands would come out. It was so gross. I think it was because I got lots of bug bites that night. WEIRD!

Mia said...

That IS gross - beats out my "I'm-fatter-than-I-thought!" dream. Maybe you just needed to shave and all of those little bugs were whiskers.

Em said...

ha ha!! I loved our nonchalant line at the end.