Friday, June 27, 2008

Mamma Bear vs. Snatchy Be-otches

I hate jr. high-aged girls. Hate them. I have a daughter who will be heading into middle school (the new phrase for jr. high) who is already experiencing the sting of snatchy be-otches in little groups who are just downright evil. She got pushed into the swimming pool and called names the other day, prompting her to leave the pool after a very short time and call her dad to come and pick her up. And my mamma bear instincts are RAGING. I want to find those girls and call their mothers and get them into big trouble. I want to find older "cool" girls to hang out with my daughter who will taunt those little prisses and give them the stupid eyebrow raise of disdain if they ever think about being mean to her again. I want to swoop in and scoop her up and give her a pill to make her so ultra-cool that nobody does anything but pave her path in velvet and turn pleading eyes towards her that she may grace them with her company. And I can't, and it sucks. And she is who she is (and I think she is great with some room for growth): likes to read, is dramatic, is hot-tempered and easily emotional, hates fashion, moves with some bit of akwardness (though can pogo-stick and ride anything with wheels in moments while I fall off of the things repeatedly), and talks loudly when excited, and says some really funny things with a great vocabulary. And she just wants to have friends in her relatively new school (we've almost lived here a year). So I feel like I send her off like a lamb to the slaughter, and I think it is one of the most uncomfortable things I can think of. And it is uncomfortable because I WANT it to be mamma bear vs. those mean munchkins, but it has to be bear vs. sleek little cougars with claws. Maybe I'll just get drunk for the next four years or so and hope it goes by quickly. Stupid jr. high girls.


SarahDee said...

This posting made me cry. I want to push those little shit-heads in the pool and tell them how nasty and horrible they are. It wouldn't do any good though.
I hate those little be-otches.

R G Swans said...

Be-otches. I am sure you wish there was some way she could get back at them enough that they would never think of doing anything like that again..but unfortunately that is why they are be-otches. That is what they do, that is who they are. There are always going to be around. There are plenty of adult be-otches that I would like to push in the pool but I don't want to stoop to their level. I will just blog about them!

GrammaJ said...

Put me in the "push the shitettes in the pool" line. Those middle school years are aweful. I hated going through them myself, and I also witnessed the stupidity when I was working as an aide in a 5th/6th grade setting. It might be time for a dose of "She's all That"
"Be Silent, Be Strong..."