Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I Still Don't Like It

Well, I am up to 2.5 miles running distance, and am up from 2 times per week to every other day in frequency. But I still don't like to run. I am doing the whole "positive thinking" vibe in terms of things like: "Don't stop!...Don't walk!... You can do this!... Just listen to your music and enjoy the gorgeous weather!" And it helps, but I am waiting impatiently to hit the "runner's high."


R G Swans said...

Runners high - comes after you are done and you have to drink about 6-8 beers just so your muscles don't hurt so bad.

Mia said...

Well, crap. I wish someone would have told me earlier! I also wondered if runner's high comes when you are done and think, "Hooray! I can stop running!"

SarahDee said...

My "high" definitely comes when i'm DONE.
You and G are registered for the ride/run. Keep it up!!

Em said...

Ha ha! Runner's high. That's funny.