Thursday, May 29, 2008

You Hurt Your What?

My brother has asked if I would like to participate in the "Ride Run" race on the 4th of July. This is a race around a lake, 12 miles in length, and the gist is that you work as a team, one starts out running and one on a bike. Biker drops bike at agreed upon spot and starts running, first runner comes upon bike and gets on, pedaling along past first biker (who is now running) until coming upon the next drop spot, drops bike and starts running...etc. etc. leap-frogging each other in this way all around the lake until you collapse at the finish line. Sounds like fun, eh? Notice that I said "PARTICIPATE" in the race - not "compete." He, very nicely, understands that in no way will I be able to compete with others in this event, even though he would be able to compete and do quite well, I am sure.

So, I am considering it. And I would really like to do this with him, just to say that I did it. So I decided to hit the gym on Tuesday to work on training for this event, because it seems to me I would need to be able to run at least two miles consecutively, and then do some biking, etc. Makes sense that I should go to the gym and practice on the treadmills and exercise bikes, right? Mr. Spock would find that logical, I am thinkin.

I hit the treadmill with my Ipod on my "running" songs, and happily was able to make it through not only one of them, but TWO, consecutively and effectively burned through more than a mile! Yay for me! I walked for a few measured increments, and then back to my jog, doing this for several more intervals - adding up to about 35 minutes on the treadmill. I was planning to go for one last running push, so hit the gas on the treadmill speed and started to run when suddenly a pain shot up my inner left leg up through my groin and straight across my lady parts! It felt like someone kicked me square in the nads, if I had any nads. So, I desperately hit the SLOW DOWN button as fast as I could, like I was telegraphing the fastest message across the wires (imagine furious tapping on the machine) to slow it down to a walk my 16-month-old niece could manage and recovered for a moment, each step producing an odd painful pulsing. Once that subsided I sped the machine up, only to be met with more intense painful pulsing. 'Good grief, I think I broke my cooter,' I thought to myself. Now what? I got on that damn bike, that's what. I managed 15 minutes on that thing, standing on the pedals periodically to reduce the transfer of pain to my ass.

Ride Run. Good idea.


MichiganMama said...

hahahahahahahahah LOL LITERALLY!!! Wow I hope everything is OK down there!! Here's my take on the whole thing: a lady part injury is surely a sign from above that this Ride Run thing is a BAD idea! Although I knew it was a bad idea before hearing about the "injury"!! Oh and I too measure how far I run by # of songs played on my iPod!!!!!!

R G Swans said...

tap tap tap tap tap tap tap...."turn this f-ing thing OFF" ...tap tap tap tap

I really do know someone who broke her cooter....well it was the bone in front of the cooter but I imagine just as painful. I really hope that yours is ok. Well not that I know...but just as a man would wince at another man getting kicked in the nads, I wince for you and yours.

tap tap tap tap...tap tap tap