Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I have several guilty pleasures in life and a couple of vices. Thankfully I am not a smoker, though I have smoked a clove cigarette or two when drunk. I am not a big drinker, so that makes it extra fun when I decide to drink cuz I get tipsy quickly. My vices would be: spending money and eating unhealthy food. I really do enjoy shopping - not for clothes for myself, mind you (mostly because of vice #2), but for clothes for my kids, stuff for my house, makeup, hair do-dads, food, etc. I just love to be in a retail environment, looking at stuff and loading up my cart. I have a 10-year-old daughter who could be the happy recipient of a large wardrobe if only she liked clothes that aren't sweatpants or oversized tee-shirts. She wrecks my shopping buzz some days, I tell you. But my 5-year-old is as girly as they come, so I have a grand ole time loading her closet. My spouse frowns at me often, but retail therapy is fun.

Eating: no real need for discussion on that one, is there? Peanut butter, chocolate, cake, cookies, doughnuts, cheeseball on crackers, spinach and artichoke dip... the list is endless.

And my latest guilty pleasure: Dancing With The Stars. Seriously, I would not miss it for the world. I love that dorky show! Their outfits are nuts, but I like every cheesey moment. I'm rooting for Christy Yamaguchi this season and tonight will find out the winner!! I'm even considering getting the Dancing with the Stars workout video. I'll let you know if I do and if it is any good.

1 comment:

R G Swans said...

I know what you mean on the vices...mine are American Idol and Big Brother. Both are in their 70th season it seems but I still watch every minute. I am not to the point to watch the extras online (well not often anyway). If there was a Big Brother workout I would snatch it up in a heartbeat...but it would consist of sitting in the diary room bitching about everyone I know and occasionally running around the back yard! I would be awesome at that!