Thursday, May 29, 2008

Back in the Saddle (even if it hurts)

Ok, well I was going to get on my treadmill tonight, but I didn't do it. Thankfully, my coochie-coochie made a full recovery as of Wednesday. My hamstrings and outer thighs, however, have been screaming at me ever since the Ride Run training session. Well, today they are not screaming, more like glaring with the occasional audible grumbling. So, I was going to get on the treadmill tonight, but instead I goofed around on my computer and made the excuse that my legs still hurt. But, like they say, you have to get back up on the horse that threw you, so I am hereby making my commitment to the treadmill tomorrow. OR, if the weather cooperates, I'll run outside for an even more complete training experience. You can all wag a virtual finger at me tomorrow if I don't.

Oh, and does anyone have any good running-songs? I'm going to need more than two, I hope. I have a lot of good walking songs - one being Justin Timberlake's "She Knows" and you get extra bonus points if you can walk to that song and smack your own rear end without breaking stride when he sings, "She looks just like a model, except she's got a little more a**..." My favorite running song so far is "Just Like Heaven" by the Cure.

1 comment:

R G Swans said...

well I would recommend She Bangs by Ricky Martin but remember what happened to me on the treadmill!

I am currently in to the old school gansta rap!! A little ODB - Baby I got ya money or a little Notorious B.I.G. - I love it when you call me big Papa!

Not so good for the running I am sure but definately good for daydreaming about the old days back in the hood!