Monday, November 8, 2010


I breezed through the blog today and noticed a new comment left by an anonymous "B" person. I was thrilled! Someone read this blog! Yay!

I started to respond in the comment section but realized it was long enough I could share it at large. First, it was left under the section about dress shopping, so that confused me a bit because I think B was responding to the blog as a whole.

B asked if I am on any meds and that perhaps this could be a factor in my weight. Good thinking, B. But I am not on any meds. None, zippo, zilch. Not even birth control or herbal supplements or Calcium (which I should really take). So, that's not a contributing factor.

Then B suggested that I find something that I "REALLY" enjoy doing. Another good suggestion. Here's the thing: I enjoy knitting, photography, writing, horseback riding, dancing, and reading. All but two of those are sedentary activities that will hardly burn the calories consumed in a celery stick. Horseback riding requires a horse, and I live in town. I think the neighbors would be annoyed if I had a horse in my back yard. Dancing - I could dance in my house by myself! I could, and sometimes do. I cannot really go dancing in public often because we have ONE place to dance in this town and it is kinda seedy, and of course it is a bar. Barriers, barriers. I know I could be successful if I can find a way to work around these barriers.

I have come to the conclusion that, with my life as it stands right now, I am going to have to continue to just do what I can to be active and to heck with enjoying it. Trying to do something I enjoy became a barrier in itself; a reason to do nothing and that does not work for me in the long run. I'll enjoy the end results and the way I feel when I am done, and that will be enough for me to continue. I'll try to find a way to dance or take a dance class, but the opportunity is rare and does not work into my schedule easily. I'm open to trying new things, as well. And I wonder if it is realistic to find exercise that one REALLY loves. Do you all have that? Am I missing out on something here? B, do you have that? What is it?

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