Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Pinchy Pants Disease

I have a case of pinchy pants disease. The disorder where your pants spend most of the day reminding you of the two cookies you ate at lunch, giving you visions of the dust buildup on your treadmill. It's no fun at all. A friend suggested the "bigger pants" cure, which is worse than the disease I think.

In response, I have retreated to my treadmill in an attempt to outrun the pinchy pants. I also have decided that treats that are not fabulous will go in the trash after the first taste. If it is not fantastic, it's not worth the time on the treadmill. Normally this would help a lot, but it's holiday season and fabulous treats will be invading my life consistently for the next month. Plus, I am not that picky, and fantastic is a relative term. Heck, I once thought Snack Wells chocolate marshmallow cookies were fantastic (mid-diet, of course), when we all know those are just about as tasty as sawdust and cocoa mixed together.

Be prepared, all. A new year is dawning, and once I conquer Pinchy Pants-itis, I will be on to the Cute for Spring Campaign that will be focused more on exercise than diet this year. May the force be with me.

1 comment:

Meg said...

That is one of my diet musts. Don't eat the sweet or junk food unless it is one of my favorites--otherwise the calories are not worth it.