Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tis the Season of Regirth

Oof. I keep eating cookies and peanut clusters and tooo muuuuch foooood. And tonight I am headed to a cookie exchange, where I pawn off cookies I have baked for a variety of things that others have made. MORE things to add to the Christmas of Gluttony '08. Oof. I love the holidays, don't get me wrong, but I'm really kind of ready to quit eating junk. Who said that? It may have been the skinny healthy bitch in my head who likes running and eating salads. Hang in there bitch, you'll get your turn to reign the roost after the first of the year.

Diet number 407 pending on January 5, 2009. This one involves coworkers and money. I'm also hoping Santa brings me a Wii Fit. Happy Holidays, everyone!

1 comment:

SarahDee said...

Ugh. I'm suffering from a little gut rot myself (cookies and p.brittle combo). Won't stop me from eating MORE crap later on though! Really looking forward to our Christmas weekend!!!