Thursday, December 11, 2008

Facebook Wonder

I joined Facebook after months of bah-humbugging the whole notion. I don't know what compelled me to do it beyond curiosity (and I recall something about death and cats being associated with that motive). But I am really enjoying it, mostly because I have been able to reconnect with so many people that I haven't talked to in YEARS. Seriously, people I haven't seen in 17 years or so, and there they are, reaching out to me via the curious snowball effect thing that is Facebook.

But, there are also strange things afoot in Facebooktopia. First, you refer to yourself in third person. What the...? We're all participating in Seinfeld folly, apparently. To tell people what you are doing in the moment, you finish the stem, "Mia is..." and can erase the "is"and just start with "Mia." e.g. Mia is full from eating steak dinner at Sahm's. Mia's intestines do not know what to do with steak, really. Mia is grossed out that she even mentioned that. Mia thinks it is weird to refer to herself as Mia.

Another odd Facebook pheonom is all of the little things people "send" each other virtually. Like, "John just threw a snowball at Mia", or "bought her a drink." Um, but not really. There are all of these little gadgets and gizmos and fanclubs and weird crap that I just don't get. I think they are the entertainment at the Facebook nightclub. Like a virtual all-friend class reunion where it's fun to sit around for a while and go, "Hey! Great to see you! What have you been up to? I do this for a living, these are my kids... oh, uh huh, that's interesting about you..." and then you need booze and a dance floor to have something to do.

And I also do not understand the indiscriminate friend gatherers. I think some people out there are just collecting friends like they are baseball cards, without a thought in the world about whether or not they really like the person or even know them. I got friend requests from people in my siblings' classes or from other classes from my high school and I don't even really know them. Maybe they are having a contest to see how many former band dorks they can collect as Facebook friends, or to see if they can get the matched set of me and my siblings. I like the "ignore" button.

So, if you are out there in Facebook land, look me up. Mia is done blogging today.

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