Thursday, October 23, 2008

Is This Weird?

For those of you who had not heard, my dog passed away a few weeks ago (same day as Paul Newman, actually). It was very sad for me. I had the dog for about 13 years, and loved her very much. She got very sick and I couldn't stand to see her suffer, so my nice vet came to my house and put her to sleep.

Then we had the question of what to do with her body. Well, she was a 50 pound dog, and technically you are not supposed to bury dead things in your yard when you live in town. I guess they don't want people just making their own personal cemetary in their back yard and then puting the house up for sale... you get the drift there. We were then left with the option of having the vet take her body and disposing of it. He let us know that he sends animal bodies to someone in a nearby town who cremates them and spreads their ashes on their farmland somewhere. This sounded ok, but there was also the option to have her cremated and we could get her ashes back. This cost some money, but we decided to go with option number 3 - have dog cremated and ashes returned for burial in back yard, private services planned, with a luncheon to follow.

Well, the ashes returned to us today, in a tall squareish tin with paw prints on it, with the dog's name printed on the tin. It's so weird. The tin is really heavy and I can hear sediment moving in there if I tip it back and forth. And here's the really weird part: I had this urge to open the lid and just see what the ashes look like, but I am too chicken to do it. I don't think I will open it. Would you?


The Lada Family said...

NO WAY! Don't open it! It's freaking me out just thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your dog. Yes, I would open it. I would be curious.


Em said...

What if you opened it and some of the ash poofed out - or got in your nose. Bleah! I think my chicken-shittiness would override my curiosity.