Thursday, October 23, 2008


I invited a few more friends to check out my blog, so I thought I would take a moment to welcome which ever ones of them did not roll their eyes at me and delete the invitational email, but acutally popped over and read this. Hi! For you newbies, feel free to post comments (click on the word "comment" under the main post) or just browse others' comments. Half the fun is the dialogue about the posts.

I also wrote this entry to let my regular readers (all four of you) know that I have invited in some new folks, so there is no need for alarm if it appears that random people are posting on the blog. Though, in theory, that would be really cool if random people would post on my blog... Random people like Brad Pitt or Matt Damon, who decide that I am the wittiest writer they have seen since Lori Notaro and ask me to write a book and pay me mega bucks... Whoops! Slipped into a delusion of grandeur there, for a minute, excuse me.

So, thank you for your attention, I direct you (direct me?) back to our regularly random blogging.

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