Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Follower!

Today when I signed in to my blog "dashboard" I noticed this little icon next to my "too phat" headline. It's a generic person symbol - like if you did a bust of any of the symbols on a public restroom, a bald round-headed silhouette - and next to the icon it said "1 follower." What?! What the heck is that?! Turns out that you can identify yourself as a "follower" of this blog! I'm not sure what kinds of benefits this action would have, though perhaps I should throw out a promotional offer to entice more followers to join ranks. Well, you all know that I am a comment junkie, so you can imagine my near-drunk giddy response to finding out that someone was willing to be an official follower of the blog. I feel like I should make an acceptance speech...

I'd like to think my mother for insisting that I have at least a rudimentary grasp of grammar and spelling, and my husband for only being slightly annoyed with the time that I spend writing. I'd also like to thank God and Jesus for, well, just being a couple of great guys who always look out for me (and a shout out to the Holy Ghost - I didn't forget you!). I also need to mention my workplace, for having job requirements that are averse enough to prompt me to justify taking a break to blog (do some paperwork, reward with a blog break). Oh, gosh, there are so many people to thank... my creative writing professor, Dr. Bedard, my sister SAHM for blogging first and not being real pissy when I stole the idea (and for the great writing material), my kids, and of course, the LadaFam for giving me this honor. Sniffle, blink-blink, wipe eyes, whoo! It's just so overwhelming.... but I accept this honor and vow to try really hard to be worthy of this follower and any others that care to join.


Anonymous said...

can i follow too...I have a disease called FOMO fear of missing out and I don't want to be left out...i want to follow...

Mia said...

Hooray! Another person to add to my minions, er, I mean, followers. I think this is something one can do at the "dashboard" page when you first sign in to blogger. Scout around there and see if there is a follower option - maybe the icon for that is the picture of a sheep or something.

GrammaJ said...

I am now an official "follower"