Thursday, August 21, 2008

From the Mouths of Babes

My five year old child touched my gut last week and asked if I was going to have another baby. Great. And I was feeling thin and foxy that day! I shrugged it off, thinking her comment only due to the fact that Sahm is preggers and maybe she was hoping I was too. Nope. I put on my exercise gear last night, ready for a quick run when the same angelic imp put her hands on my midsection and said, "See mamma? Your tummy is big so you are going to have another baby." I noted that my stomach is NOT that big and that I am NOT going to have another baby, and she argued with me, "See though? It's round like you're going to have a baby."

Thank you, sweetie, now go out and play in traffic.

I ran really fast last night and did not stop to walk at all. stupid stomach.


Greg H said...
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Greg H said...

Don't feel bad. I put on 6lbs of fat and got called a fat ass in class the other day. I felt really awesome about that and did the same thing you did, went out and ran.

SarahDee said...

She is seeing things anyway. I was w/ you the day she said that, and your stomach looked very flat!
I have been a BUM lately (i'm blaming my stomach woes and not my laziness)