Friday, August 22, 2008

Motivation Photos

My brother is going to school to be a personal trainer (I believe I have mentioned that in one of my rants about my fitness-crazy family), and before he did so, he worked at an internet service provider office watching movies and telling old people how to work their internet. He fell prey to many of the same office pitfalls that many of us suffer: The Breakroom - full of cake for someone, cookies brought in from the old people who can now get photos of their grandkids thanks to my brother's advice, and Out For Lunch - burgers and fries anyone? So, he and a friend made a bet to get in shape, and this started his rise to health. For the longest time, and maybe still today, he carried a photo in his wallet for motivation. Not a photo of some buff dude from the cover of men's health, but a photo of himself looking quite dapper in a gray suit coat but with double chin and pudgy gut. Any time he was tempted to get fast food or eat junk in the breakroom, he looked at that photo. A good idea, no?

I have threatened myself with "motivation photo" in the past, planning to put on my bikini and stand on flat feet, no makeup, thighs squished together square to the camera in true "before" photo pose. I have not done so, mostly out of fear. Well, after vacation I went through my photos, and low and behold someone grabbed my camera and managed to get photos of me in my swim suit. And there is even a photo of me wakeboarding WITH MY GUT HANGING OVER MY SUIT BOTTOMS AND PEEKING OUT THE BOTTOM OF MY LIFEJACKET!!!!! I believe I have found my motivation photo. gross.


SarahDee said...

Sorry, but i laughed out loud at this one. I think cause you put it in all caps.

Mia said...

And because it's funny... and gross... in a funny way.

The Lada Family said...

yeah... Most people like to put a picture of their face on some super hot body (my roommates and I actually did that in college and looking back I'd kill for the college body again)
I'm with greg... I think it's a much better idea to put a fat picture up. And the fridge seems like the perfect place. If it doesn't remind you that you shouldn't eat it might be so nasty that you'll just lose your appetite all together :-) Actually, I think the pantry would be a better place to hang the picture cause most of the foods that I shouldn't eat are housed in the pantry :-)