Friday, January 20, 2012

I Hate it When I'm Right

Yep, she wants us in the recital. She assured me we can wear something comfy and flattering. Sigh.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Oh! And I decided to take dance lessons this year. Not ballroom dance, either, but tap, jazz and ballet lessons. Having never danced before in my entire life, this has been quite a challenge. I was promised that we do not have to dance in the recital. But, as the kids are starting to learn their recital routines, I have the sneaky suspicion that our teacher is going to try to rope me into dancing on the stage. Aack!! The horror!! Can you imagine having to dance on stage and maybe wear some sort of dance costume in public?!! Lord, help me.

At any rate, I am dancing, and I enjoy it. I count it as exercise, because, well, it IS exercise. It uses a lot of muscle groups, so that's a good thing because it keeps my body guessing. We dance in front of huge mirrors, which helps you be able to watch your body positioning and form. It also helps me watch my fat rolls and arm dangle. GROSS! Sigh, maybe I should snap a picture and carry it with me when I want to eat junk. Maybe I could choreograph an interpretive dance that highlights my struggles between wanting a lean and healthy physique and wanting to indulge in sweets and grease and inactivity. ha ha ha ha ha!

Pep Band

Totally different topic!!

I have been playing in the pep band at the high school. This is so much fun! I totally suck at playing the saxophone, but I'm having fun because I don't suck any worse than the high school students. I'm even having my old horn overhauled in preparation for playing in the years to come. I have unleashed my inner, dormant, band nerd. Look out, everyone!


2012 is upon me. I back up to 150 or so (thanks, holiday cookies!), and pretty unhappy about that. I also am in the midst of another PMS round, so that's no good. I have been to the gym a few times this year and will go again to walk on the treadmill, at the very least. I ran a mile this past week, which was nice to know that I could still do it. I'm considering swimming again, but I still have the dilemma with my hair. Plus, I would need to buy an appropriate sPhowim suit, and shopping for one of those would SUCK!!!

I just wrote a big article for the newspaper about keeping, or even really CRAFTING New Year's resolutions effectively. I am the perfect example of "do what I say, not what I do." Phooey.

I really wanted to try to just enjoy 2012 no matter what I weigh. Some days are easier than others. And, I have to tell you, part of this I am blaming on my sister. Why not? It's easier than taking all the accountability myself, and we all know I am all about easy. She, Sahm, keeps losing weight. She, who was my partner in crime when it came to crabbing about exercise and being flabby... No more. She is a certifiable exercise junkie and has melted away to this tiny, model-looking woman. When I am with her, it is really hard to be happy with my self and not feel like my body looks like a nicely dressed turd.

I know the formula here, folks. Exercise...lots. Eat...sensibly. I hate that formula. And, I hate how my body feels and looks when I don't follow that formula. New Year, new attitude? Well, not so far....