Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snap Out of It, Already!

Dear Me,

Pull yourself together, woman! Seriously, now. The constant stream of cookies is not solving anything, is it? IS IT?! No, so back away from the carbs and do something else. Let go of useless anger, let go of "should" and deal with life as it is. Let go of judgment, and open your eyes to see the real deal, which is really quite tolerable and even blessed. Quit whining about not having a 6-figure salary, 6-pack abs and 6 days in Jamaica.

Look around you!! You are sitting in your own suite of offices, two advanced degrees in your head and on your walls, two children who are talented, smart and going to be lovely adults, two sisters who are more fun than fun-sized snickers (and that's a lot of fun). You are wearing single-digit sized clothing (for now, unless the cookie deluge continues). Yes, your house is small, but it is safe, comfortable and more than meets your needs. Yes, your spouse is sad, but something will come his way and he will find a way to look on the bright side of life as well. Stop acting like someone stole your birthday.

If you do not heed these words, I swear on all things holy that I will bitch-slap you and then you will look even crazier than you do by writing a letter to yourself. I'm pretty sure neither of us wants that.

Your sane side.


SarahDee said...

Okay, a few comments on this and past posts. I honestly do the Stuart Smalley thing every now and then too (and his real name is Al Franken if someone hasn't told you that already). It's dorky, but really...good (and TRUE) advice from you to YOU. And you are certainly allowed a few days of pity party, but then your sane side writes you that letter and you begin to come out of it. Okay, so my sane side doesn't write me an actual letter, but it sure lectures me in my head. :)
(and sometimes that sane side is YOU!)
We are totally more fun that fun sized Snickers. too bad we can't get together for some serious drinking and laughing our asses off.
I've been thinking about you this week and sending lots of love your way.....hopefully at least some of it got there and didn't freeze on the way. :)

The Lada Family said...

You guys are most definitely more fun than fun sized snickers! Proof... There's no way we'd load up a bunch of toddlers and drive all the way to Iowa if you weren't.
Life is good :-)