Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Efficiency is the Name of the Game

I got a new computer and it kicks me off of the internet after about 10 minutes. I would like to chuck it through a window. I am busy at work, and thus explains my lack of blogging as of late. This will count as three blog entries in one...

1)I haven't golfed in about three weeks. I bought clubs this year, and it turns out that I enjoy golfing. I am terrible at it, but I like to give 'er a go and have a drink with friends. The lack of golfing is making me crabby when I look at my idle clubs in the garage.

2) I had an appointment for a massage and it got cancelled. I had made the appointment like a month ago. I made it because I am finally using a gift certificate that I got for Christmas a year ago. I was called about 5 hours before my appointment and asked if I could reschedule for one week later because someone had an emergency and couldn't move their neck. Um, is it just me or would that be better served by going to your local physician?? I didn't feel like arguing with the massage therapist, but I won't be going back to her ever again, I don't care how good the massage is. Bad business, people.

3) I went to a party with several beauty queens. Remember my friend, Mrs. Iowa? She's great, and there was a party in her honor as a "sendoff" to the Mrs. America pageant (you can check out all the contestants online. Just google "Mrs. America Pageant" and you can see my very pretty friend). If you'd ever like to feel a mixture of dowdy and relief, then I suggest you attend such a party. I'll just leave it at that. Good luck, Mrs. Iowa!!

There you go... three blogs in one - reader's digest condensed versions.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Top 5 Answers on the Board

Here's the question... How many hours would most people say that they lose in an evening on their computer?

Well, if they have a new computer, like me, that is loaded with new games like "The Family Fued" - at least two. Two hours gone.

I was exploring the programs on my new laptop and saw the games section where they had the aforementioned game, so I bit. Turns out, I got to play once for free and after that they would like for me to pay for the privilege. I think not. So, knowing this was a one-shot kind of thing, I made sure I took advantage. That game sucked me right in, trying to figure out other jobs that retired race car drivers could do, and what people who date for a while can do that would be weird on a first date. I won the bonus rounds every time I played. I am good at this, apparently. Fun!

Well, not ONLY did I get to answer zany questions and beat the "average player's score," but in this version of the FF, you get to use the points you earn in the game to "buy" home furnishings and decorate your token virtual two-story suburban home. This only fueled my wish to keep playing more games, to earn more points and get this home liveable for the nonexistant virtual people who might be moving in soon. They can't be without an oven, for Pete's sake!

You can now see how the geniuses at computer gaming land tried to snare me into buying this game on an ongoing basis. But, ho, I outsmarted them. I played their game and had an amusing time, AND I furnished that virtual house, albeit in modest fashion (let the virtual people pick out their own virtual wall art!). So there. What? What about the two hours of time that vanished into thin air? Uh... touche, gaming land creators.

Monday, August 10, 2009

New Horrid Photo

Wow, ok, so I keep excercising and liking Piliates. I also got a puppy (did I mention that?), and take him for little walks. My eating habits... well... there have been a lot of occasions. Like, lunch, for example. Lunch on a Monday has become an occasion. Mmm... banana bars.

Yes, well, we had a family reunion recently and it was a lot of fun. We rented a tandem bike, and if you have never had occasion to ride on one of those, I highly recommend it. I especially recommend riding on the back end because it is a trippy experience. But that is not the point of this posting. The point is that during the reunion many photos were taken, and one of them is of ME looking like a total schlump. Ick! It does not help that I crammed my arss into a kiddie power-wheels Jeep (Are you all singing, "Pow-pow-powerwheels, pow-pow-powerwheels.." and thinking back to your youth where you either owned one or wished you had?). The photo reminds me of the phrase from the movie "Tommy Boy"... "Fat guy in a little coat!"

I am printing that thing and posting it everywhere. I am considering working on learning the glycemic index eating habits. NOT a diet, mind you, but true regular eating habits where one's blood sugars remain stable.

It is not helping that I will be attending the "send off" party for my friend, Mrs. Iowa, as she travels off to the Mrs. America pageant. This party will be ripe with other pageant contestants and winners, and cameras. Oh, the humanity.