Friday, July 24, 2009

Domicile Discontent

I am soooooo hating my house lately. It is too darn small. I feel clausterphobic in there. It makes me want to get rid of about 1/2 of my stuff to make the house seem livable, but my spouse is not ok with that idea. So, I keep cramming stuff into closets and feeling like every room is overcrowded. Grrr.

This has gotten so bad, I have started looking at homes for sale in town. There is nothing that I am feeling like is "perfect." Besides, I love my neighborhood. So, I have asked my spouse to start looking into an addition into our house. Same location, bigger space. I don't know we can accomplish what I am wanting, but worth exploring. Now, if only I could find that mythical money tree or pot of gold.


R G Swans said...

I have one buried in my back yard and waiting for it to grow. When it grows I promise to share a branch with you!!!

SarahDee said...

You and I have opposite problems. My house is too frickin big for me!! Oddly enough, though, it has the same effect on me...i too want to get rid of stuff (cause I do NOT want to fill all of this space w/ crap we don't need!). I wish I could cut off some square footage and send it your way.

Mia said...

Sarah, that would be great. Just cut off some extra living room and bedroom space for the kids, would you?

Lisa, maybe you haven't been fertilizing it correctly. Those seeds were right next to the "Magic Beanstalk Beans" at the store, right?