Friday, May 29, 2009

That Really Chaps My Ass

No.. really. I went to Spinning class this morning, and aside from being a sweaty-good workout, the hardest part was figuring out how to get comfortable on that bike seat without risk of some sort of injury that might prohibit proper toileting practices, marrital relations (better excuse than headache, though - "Not tonight, I went to Spinning this morning."), or complying with any request to stick-it-where-the-sun-don't-shine (not that I comply with that one anyway). I might invest in real biker shorts - the ones with padding.

But then I did have something that rubbed me the wrong way in more of a "pissed off" sense. My darned spouse came home last night at 11:30 from golfing and decided that there were many topics we needed to discuss and then got huffy when I started dozing off around 12:30. Um, I am going to exercise in 5 hours!! Sheesh. Then I was huffy with him this morning while struggling to haul my soon-to-be-chapped ass out of bed. Good thing I went to Spinning class and took out my frustrations on the bike.

1 comment:

GrammaJ said...

Ha Ha - I can relate because I took a Spinning class when we lived in Tulsa. I was always thinking, "Where's the bike with the tractor seat?"