Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nose Tampons

I have a sinus problem. The problem is that my sinuses are full of crud and this condition will not seem to resolve itself. ERRG!! It's so gross! My throat hurts all of the time. I am coughing a ton, my ears are popping, and my nose is runny. I would like to invent some nose tampons that you could just put in your nose for about 5 minutes, and then remove them with clean sinuses and no more sniffles. Obviously not something to be worn or used in public, but it's got to be better than sanding my nose off with tissues.

1 comment:

R G Swans said...

have you used the netti-pot thing...not sure that is spelling right. I have heard good things!

And on a previous posting on finding your thing for exercise....there is a bike open on Friday mornings for the this next session if you want to try out cycling! I really really really like it. There is only one person on Mondays sub list too.