Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Crazy Lady

My sister, Sahm, has turned into a crazy person! This past weekend we were together with my other sister and preparing to work out. Ok, first off, the guys were going golfing, so then in turn we get to pick some sort of get-out-of-the-house-without-kids activity. We choose exercise. Not lunch or shopping or spa treatments or even golfing ourselves, but exercise. Ok.

As if this is not crazy enough, Sahm pipes up in our planning meeting with, "I'd really like to work out for two hours..." What?!! What did you just say?!! You'd LIKE to work out for TWO HOURS consecutively? Like that is a big hope or wish where you grit your teeth together with hands clasped near your heart and give the other person puppy dog eyes? But wait, there is MORE craziness... she then talked about doing cardio stuff followed by 20 minutes of ab work (at which point I literally said, "Who are you?!! I can't believe those words just came out of your mouth!") and some other toning or some such nonsense.

On which alternative planet did I just land? When did my family become fitness buffs? When did working out for two hours become our entertainment? I guess I should be happy, but mostly I am just confused. I'll just have to accept my new role as the one tagging along and dropping back in the pack, muttering under her breath the whole time or complaining loudly in response to each new level of craziness that ensues. Sheesh.


R G Swans said...

You can join our family...we sit around and drink beer and eat appetizers and things made from chocolate.

Em said...

We do that too.

R G Swans said...

True...but THAT is our entertainment! Exercise is viewed more as torture and punishment instead. I should join YOUR family for a couple of weeks so I change my attitude!!!