Saturday, November 8, 2008

Baby Fever

Sahm's baby will be born in less than 20 days, and I am SO EXCITED! I want to buy diapers and tiny onesies and all of that baby crap. And she has honored me by allowing me in the delivery room if I would like to be there. That's beyond awesome. The only problem is that I will have to fight the urge to grab that baby and run for the hills, because I have been jonesin for one of my own lately. Crap, she's probably going to read this and ban me from the hospital now. I promise I can control myself!!

Many of you may be shocked to hear me say that I have been pining for that baby smell (no, not the poopy smell, the freshly-washed baby smell), and will soon start encouraging me to go ahead and have another one of my own. Well, you are all barking up the wrong tree there. Despite my wistful sighs at the thought of having a baby to cuddle and watch grow up, I have absolutely zero desire to be pregnant. I am one of those women who get huge, and retain water to the point of beyond cankles - I just have two tree trunks for legs on which to balance the rest of my round body. And beyond the avoidance of the unpleasantries of pregnancy, there is a very impractical nature to my baby fever. My kids are both in school, and they are nearly six years apart as it is. If I had another one, it would be about, oh, six years younger than it's nearest sibling and 12 years younger than the eldest one. Good grief! We could win a prize for longest length of child-rearing with fewest number of children. "Yep, we were raising kids for 30 years. What? No, we didn't have 10 children, just three!" The youngest one would turn 18 when my older child turned 30. That's just nuts.

So, I'll just rejoice in the fact that Sahm is good at sharing, and borrow her baby when I need a fix. so thanks, Sahm, for enduring pregancy, childbirth, financial responsibility increase and sleep deprivation and STILL being willing to share.


Em said...

You're still allowed in the delivery room BUT you have to keep all opinions concerning name choices to yourself (no trying to sway me one way or the other). Unless I ask for opinions, which I might end up doing. Seriously, it's going to be "Baby X" for awhile I think. And you would be proud of me - I actually went out and bought a package of diapers (newborn size). I opened them up and was once again shocked by how tiny they were. I'm going to have one of those again?!

Mia said...

I can live with those rules. Newborn diapers are the cutest darn things!! And babies swim in thsoe for about a week, which seems insane that any person can be that tiny.

SarahDee said...

Gaaa! I'm so jealous that you get to be there when she has it! I'm probably gonna have to wait like 3 weeks or something before I get to meet this kid. *sigh* woe is me.
I'm so excited though. Yay for babies!!! (hang in there, Em!)