Sunday, November 23, 2008

Imperative People

There are certain people in life without whom we could not live very well. I consider my family in that category. I also consider physicians in this category. I mean, I could figure out how to do a lot of things on my own (fight a fire, fix the plumbing, build a house,etc.) but I do not think I can figure out how to do surgery on myself.

The third person on my list of imperatives - my hairstylist. Not just any hairstylist, but mine. I'd be ok with another one as long as they were as good or better than the one I have now. I suppose I could go without a cosmetologist and just grow my hair to my ass, but for those of you who understand the craziness that is my hair, I think you'll agree that it wouldn't be pretty at all.

I just got my hair cut and colored yesterday and I really like it. When I like my hair, I feel confident, others perceive me in a positive fashion and life just goes well. Set me up with some schmoe who can't cut a straight line or who does not understand how to tame the beast that grows from my scalp, and boom, there goes my confidence and my public approval rating plumets. It's important stuff, I tell you! Just put your face on one of those virtual hairdo things and "try on" some bad hairdos and you'll see how important a good stylist is. Agree? Disagree? Feel free to discuss, as well as add any other "imperatives" you think I might have missed. Seriously, I think I covered the top three.

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