Friday, September 26, 2008

Reality Reaches Out a Hand

...and smacks me one right in the kisser.

I just reviewed my blog and realized that it has been a full year (actually, MORE than a year) since I started this thing. And in my tracking space (Remember that thing? I hardly notice its dusty, stagnant existance over there in the corner.), it notes my starting weight and my goal weight. In the span of one year, I have managed to lose, well, about five pounds. Geez Louise, that is sad. So, I would say that I have disproved my hypothesis that writing a blog would motivate me to stick to healthy habits and shed unwanted pounds. Shoot. I was hoping this was the key.

As it turns out, this is only the key to my enjoyment of writing and having other people respond to it. So, stay tuned this year and we'll see what gnarly adventures unfold.

I'll have to remember next year in early September and we can all have a party to celebrate my blogiversary. Thanks for reading, everyone!


R G Swans said...

Happy blogiversary to you...happy blogiversary to look like monkey and you write like one too!
ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

I found having a family reunion and having to wear a swimsuit provided motivation!

Mia said...

Ack! Swimwear requirement! What kind of sadistic family has a reunion that has a swimwear requirement. You should have vetoed that one, Meg.