Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Status Report, Mr. Sulu

Well, I have had a good couple of weeks, I must say. I have been eating very healthfully, focusing on veggies and lean meats, with some fruits and a few whole grain carbs. Oh, and pizza yesterday. A girl's gotta live. I have been walking and running. All is well. But I go on vacation soon, and am preparing to do battle with "vacation mindset" where I justify eating whatever I want and skipping my workouts. Sheilds up, O'Hoora, I feel a calorie klingon attack cloaked and at the ready.

My dorkdom is now sealed for all time, given the number of Star Trek references in this post alone. C'mon, you all know you liked The Trouble with Tribbles.


SarahDee said...

haha...the trouble w/ tribbles. I think that might be the only ST episode I ever saw! (weren't they they things that were fuzzy and cute and multiplied like crazy....and wasn't that the theory behind Gremlins?)
Bring on vaca! I'm ready to eat...AND exercise (i promise we will!).

Em said...

Yes, I plan on bringing a bunch of workout gear to combat all the ice cream I will be eating (amongst various other junk).

Mia said...

I'm bringing workout gear. I don't know about "a bunch" of it, but...

Sarahdee - extra dorkus points for you for knowing what a Tribble is. Well done.