Sunday, July 13, 2008

Houston, We Have a Problem

Even though I have taken the spotlight off of my weight loss efforts, I am still trying. Well, sort of. I am working on exercise still, which is good. The "eat right" part... well, that's a different story. I have tried weight watchers again, and I cannot seem to make that stick. I have tried low carb, and that works for about two days. I have tried just focusing on eating enough fruits and veggies, again, no luck. So I took a step back and tried to analyze the situation. And here's what I have come up with: I start off strong, and go full guns for two days. By day three, something happens, like the office pot luck or fresh cookies at lunch or my kids eat cookies or a breeze blows outside or or or or or... then it is just a nice steady slide back to eating four slices of pizza for lunch by Sunday. The really bad part (in my assessment), is that on Sunday I am grossed out by my body again and vow to start anew on my good eating plans on Monday. So then I eat on Sunday evening like it's my last day on Earth and I must eat anything good that I see sitting around. "Mmm, cookies! Well, I won't be eating those again for at least a month, so I'm going to have one to make sure I can hold the memory of their tasty goodness close to me in our time apart." So, now that I see the problem I should be able to fix it, right. Well, tomorrow is Monday so we'll see by next Sunday. Wish me luck.


GrammaJ said...

J in Houston has the same problem. I can SO relate...

Mia said...

Yes, I call this the "What the heck Effect" - and I am conquering it this week, I swear.