Thursday, July 24, 2008

Conspiracy Theory

The Beastie Boys were right: Listen all-a-y'all it's a sabbotage!!

I have not been writing much lately because I don't want to jinx my good habits with sarcastic talk or brag-a-do exclamations. I've been eating healthy foods, NO sweets (the hardest part for me), and exercising. However, my exercising has not been quite as consistent as I would like and I am blaming my family for sabbotaging my efforts. They have a conspiracy against me, I tell you. And it comes in the night - mostly by my five-year-old child. She has been waking up with bad dreams at about 1:30 or 2:00 a.m. and then reqires me to get up and talk her through this or plop her in my bed and hit the sofa for some unrest. My dog took up the cause last night, with a 2 a.m. whine-fest signaling a desire to go outside to avoid a mess on the floor. Since I am not a fan of messes, I let her out only to have her go to a corner of the yard and lay down out there. What the..?! So then I had to gather her back into the house and there goes my solid night's sleep. How does this kill my exercise routine? Well, 6 a.m. looks rediculous when you were just up at 2:30 a.m. with the darn dog. I NEED MY SLEEP!!!!

What I need is a 6 a.m. workout buddy. Know anyone who will volunteer?


R G Swans said...

can you switch to 5:15?
6 is too late for me to get up, worked out, showered, children ready and to work by 8....

you want this buddy you gotta get your sorry but up earlier!

Mia said...

5:15?! Good gravy, that's early. Note to everyone: Lisa's children look like those on Tommy Hilfiger ads while mine look like ragamuffins, thus the disparity in time needs in the morning. That, and Lisa actually wears makeup and looks good for work. I'm lucky to throw on some zit-concealer (thank goodness I got eyeliner tattooed on a couple of years ago).

I dunno, Lisa. How often are you hauling ass out of bed like this? Do you go to bed at 8:30 in the evening??

R G Swans said...

I have been pretty good...about 90% of the time I get up. Saturday and Sunday I find another time but during the week it has been pretty good. I actually feel alot better when I get up and moving.

Note back to everyone (of you 3)that my kids are far from Tommy ads more like Kmart! And as far as work goes, you never know who may see me on the other end of the phone complaining about their insurance premiums being too high.

come on you can do it!

SarahDee said...

schnikeys...5:15 is flippin EARLY! And you go to bed at 8:30? Cause if I were getting up that early every day, that's when I'd have to go to bed. I get up at 5:30 2x per week and it's torture every time. I always feel tired in the afternoon! Any advice, early riser?

The Lada Family said...

I was doing bootcamp at 5:00 which meant the alarm went off at 4:35... that was HELL! I switched to 7:00 pm and like it much better. I'm not a morning person. Nothing about working out in the morning gets me going... it just makes me pissy the rest of the day.

I asked my bootcamp trainer how to loose the gut and he said "abs are made in the kitchen.... work out all day long, eat bad and you'll still have a spare tire" UGH that's not what I wanted to hear but it's so true! Good Luck!

SarahDee said...

Damn. guess my "spare tire" is here to stay then. I love working out...i hate eating "right". (cookies and brownies and donuts...oh my!)