Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Butt Sweat

There is nothing worse than butt sweat. In my quest to be one of those people who exercises regularly, I went for a bike ride this evening. I also needed to go to the grocery store and get some freezer bags. So I decide to stop by the store at the end of my bike ride and get those bags, then bike home. Capitol idea! Get exercise, get bags, save gas money - it's fantastic. Except for butt sweat. I got a bit hot and sweaty, nothing horrendous, no sweat rolling anywhere, just enough to think, "Whew, I'm kind of warm." And when I got off of the bike at the store I thought my butt felt kinda damp, so I contort myself enough to check out my hind end and sure enough, it looked like I had peed my pants. Great. So, I stealthily made my way through the store, standing up against shelves looking with great purpose at the opposite shelves whenever a shopper would happen by (I was stuck next to paper towels for quite a while), but I got my freezer bags and made my way out of the store without hearing anyone snickering behind me. I will never wear those pants for a bike ride again.


R G Swans said...

ewwww.....If I had been there I would have pointed and laughed! Just kidding. I had the same situation the other day when I was golfing with my husband. Except it was his butt sweat! double ewwwwwwwww

Mia said...

"Just kidding" Whatever, you would so point and laugh... cuz it's funny!