Thursday, June 9, 2011

Carboholics Anonymous

Well, I did pretty well after the "thicker" comment, only to fall off the wagon after about a week. Sheesh. I am a carbohydrate addict. My name is Mia and I am a carbohydrate addict. (Hi, Mia.) I realize this but was really at the stage where I wanted to try to find that tricky thing called "moderation." I have the worst time with that!! I either go all out or restrict totally. I just don't know my limits. Or maybe I do and I just plow right through them. One cookie is good, but five is great and awful at the same time. So, maybe like other addictions, it is time for me to just stop. If I surrender completely to the notion that I cannot have cookies, cake, crackers, chocolate, doughnuts.... That thought makes me sad!! How bad is that? None of those foods are essential at all. I could easily live my life in a nutritionally sound manner without another bite of any of those items. Just as an alcoholic can live life without that particular type of beverage, I can live without that particular brand of carbs. I can enjoy fruit, even some bread for a sandwich here or there. But how about if I just say that I am now sober from cake, cookies, crackers, chocolate, donuts and those kinds of sweets? What if I did that? What would I look like? What would I feel like? How would that go at birthdays; or is that just like an alcoholic wondering how New Year's Eve (or birthdays) would go without a beer, wine or highball?

Well, I have been carb sober for a week now. I have dropped some weight, which is nice. Certainly I could stand to lose at least ten more pounds, but I don't know. i'm at the point where I was thinking this "detox" from carbs was a very temporary thing, but now am really contemplating longer term sobriety. Would anyone support me or would they roll their eyes and say I am crazy? People support alcoholics because they can see the destruction that excessive alcohol use brings to their lives. I can't say that my eating of sweets has caused "destruction" but can say that it brings its own brand of unhappiness and unhealthy consequences. Is that enough to call it quits? I don't know... still contemplating....

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