Thursday, April 29, 2010

DQ Jones

I've got a DQ jones like crazy, so I fixed that right today by eating one. Mmmmmm. Then I noticed that I felt pretty crappy. It wasn't guilt, my body just felt like a tub of goo. It was worth it though. :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Making An Effort, Live the Example

My 12-year-old child is growing again. They do that a lot. She has been in this fun transition from child to adult body, growing more than 5 inches in two years and gaining weight accordingly. I bought her a pair of jeans about a month ago and they are now tight. She FREAKED out, wailing that she is fat and ugly. Oh, good. She is nowhere near overweight. I had a big talk with her about bodies and shapes and growing and such. Part of this was a discussion of healthy habits and healthy bodies. She is in track and softball, goes out for basketball, and was in cheerleading. That makes her physically active all darn year. She eats like a horse. So, I encouraged the activity, and talked about food choices and that steady equation of calories in and out.

After this discussion, I decided that I should lead by example, so I have been working hard to eat when hungry, and make healthy choices about what I eat. I don't want to pass my struggles and habits on to my girls. I don't want them to fall into the junk food trap and be lured constantly by sweets. I want to teach them balance. It's not about banning foods, it's about making smart choices about amounts and frequency. So, here's to feeling better about me, feeling better by the very nature of healthier habits, and feeling better about passing on good habits to my children.

Monday, April 26, 2010

I Bought Another Book (aka..A Fool and Her Money)

I bought a book/magazine from Women's Health on making this "my year" for fitness. Why do I buy these things? They all say the same thing - eat healthy foods and cut out the junk and the pop. Exercise - do a variety of things five out of seven days per week.

Do I keep hoping one of these books will say, "Just eat ice cream and cookies every day in place of vegetables and you will fit into your skinny jeans by Friday!" They are not going to.

Well, I'm chalking this one up to be a really expensive exercise journal (handily provided in the back of the publication) with workout ideas.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Do the Hustle and the Splits

I borrowed a workout video thing from my Boot Camp sister. It's called, "Hip Hop Hustle" and is basically dancing with Shalene Johnson, creator or TurboKick. I did it last night in my basement and enjoyed it while working up a sweat. I think I'll do it again. I also have been doing crunches and pushups at night, and have been trying to work on doing the splits. Yeah, I know, doing the splits is just dumb. But, I make my 7-year-old practice them for dance, so I am trying out of some weird sense of fairness. Fairness, and an equally weird thought that being able to do the splits would be an amazing parlor trick.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I Promise I'll Run, Later

I am a tub of goo! It's like I decided to let myself go to seed. I've managed to work my way right back into all of my bigger clothing. Right before summer! What kind of knucklehead lets themselves go right before summer?!! Apparently, I need another bout of H1N1.

I have been considering many things. I looked into Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem. Those are expensive! Plus, then I have to cook other foods for my kids and then eat my pre-packaged foodstuffs on my own. I did the Mrs. Iowa program for about a week and I probably should go back to that. It was successful and I wasn't hungry. I cannot do WW - just due to averse conditioned reactions.

The thing I am really avoiding, in case you hadn't noticed, is exercise. My sister has been a dedicated workout fiend, and she has been tearing up classes called "boot camp." This class scares the bejesus out of me. I went to the gym once last month. Once. Once!! Seriously? What am I thinking? I am thinking that I really dislike exercise. I wish I liked it. I wish it was at times that are convenient. I wish it was my outlet. It seems to be the outlet for my siblings. They swear that it is not fun while doing it, but that they are so drawn to the fantastic feeling afterward, they do it anyway.

So, I bought some new running pants and told my sister I would do the ride/run again this year. I promise I'll run, later.